Maximum São Miguel with minimum effort
Designed and prepared for our guests toplan their vacations with no effortwhatsoever, Tradiguide is an virtualactivity guide that will provide you the besttips and suggestions to move around andmake the most of your time in São Miguel.When you check-in, we will give you thelogin access and user instructions and youwill have exclusive access to this guideduring your entire stay at TradicampoEco-Country Houses. This way, you canexplore the island’s points of interest, findout the best routes and secret spotsaround the island, according to your timeand interests, anytime you want.
Easy to work with, you can explore our selected tours or find specific points of interest byzone, type (bathing areas, forest reserves, restaurants, museums, etc.) andTradiguide rating. Our selected tours were designed to optimize travel time whilst offeringyou the best routes from the point of view of scenic and tourist interest. All of them includeat least one pedestrian trail, either for long or shorter stays.
This guide will provide you with detailed information about many activities: choose atour and you will find the full itinerary with route instructions, maps, GPS coordinates,photos and videos; choose a restaurant from that itinerary and we will recommend itsspecialties to you; choose a town or village and we will give you a brief taste of whatyou can find there; find points of heritage, interpretation centers and museums tobetter understand the history, culture and nature of São Miguel; you can also filtertours by departure or arrival point.
Since we opened our doors, we have always made it a priority to give the best from ourhomeland to all guests, hoping they will fall in love with it too. Sharing knowledge andsupporting your stay by providing you with a tailor-made service is what makes us specialin the island and special for our guests. That being said, we will continually keep enrichingthis guide, designed specially for your comfort, ensuring you are always up to date, like atrue Micaelense.
Welcome to
Tradicampo Eco-Country
Houses. Your home in the Azores.